22.5 C

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Local News

Traffic Disruptions To Continue With Hoppers Crossing Level Crossing Removal Project.

Drives can expect additional traffic disruptions next week as work continues on the level crossing removal project. The citybound lane will be closed on the new Old Geelong Road road bridge on Monday 4 April and Tuesday 5 April from...

Two Men Charged Over Street Race In Trugainia

Two men have been officially charged following an alleged street race in Truganina on Sunday, March 13. Air Wing police observed two vehicles allegedly racing at more than 230km/h in an 80km/h zone on Boundary Road at about 12:15am. A search...

Wyndham council seeks community views on affordable housing

Wyndham council is seeking community views on a proposed Affordable Housing Strategy for 2022-25. Community members can voice their views by going to Wyndham's council community engagement platform, The Loop Our city will offer a variety of housing types and built...

Police investigating assault at Pacific Werribee car park

A mother and her daughter reportedly assaulted in shopping centre car park About five people are believed to have been involved in a dispute in the Pacific Werribee parking lot on Heaths Road around 9:45 pm...

Chemical Reaction at Pacific Werribee Caused Evacuations

Over 16 firefighter units responded to a hazardous materials incident at the Pacific Werribee shopping centre in Hoppers Crossing. Shoppers were evacuated from parts of Pacific Werribee shopping centre in Hoppers Crossing in Melbourne’s west, shortly before midday. A woman in...

Werribee Racecourse IGA to Become FoodWorks in 2022

Earlier this week, signs on the door were noticed announcing that this IGA supermarket was becoming a FoodWorks. If you shop regularly at the Werribee IGA next to the Werribee Racecourse, you will notice a lot of renovations in the...

Graffiti vandals cost Wyndham ratepayers almost $370,000 during 2021.

Wyndham council spent $369,696 on removing graffiti from infrastructure including playgrounds, public toilets, street furniture, signage and fire hydrants between January and December 2021. In comparison, the council spent $364,300 cleaning up after graffiti vandals in 2020. A council spokesperson said...

Truganina Grass Fires Battled By Firefighter crews

Firefighters battled a grass and scub in Truganina after breaking out last night. Large numbers of onlookers were watching the situation unfold and some residents were seen cleaning the rear fences in case the fire spread to their properties. An...

Wyndham council staff depart due to being unvaccinated against Covid-19

Twenty-two Wyndham council staff have either had their employment terminated or resigned due to being unvaccinated against COVID-19, without a valid medical exemption. A Wyndham council spokesperson said in October 2021 the state government, under guidance from the Chief Health...

Cannabis crop located in Hoppers Crossing

Police arrested two people after executing a warrant at a house in Hoppers Crossing on Wednesday February 16. Officers arrived at the house in Betula Rise to execute the warrant at around 3:45 pm.Police have located a hydroponic cannabis plantation...
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Latest News

OfficeWorks Werribee Gets A Boost With Fresh, New-Look Store Opening 29 April

After serving the Werribee community for 22 years, Officeworks Werribee has temporarily closed its doors for a planned refurbishment...
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